Monday, 6 May 2013

My Final Minimonos Tribute: Farewell

All I can really think of, is to quote Charles Dickens:

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us...

It was the best of times... but it's time for me say goodbye. Ok, there is another week until the doors close, and I will certainly be there until the end.

But, it is also the worst of times...
It was an age of foolishness - and they really were great times with great people! :D

Thank you to everyone who made it such fun! An especially big "Thank you" to Alpha and Monty (you know why :D ), and to Viper!!! :D, thank yous to Manx, Zinky, Kap, Badger, and AlwaysMonkeys, a huge apology to EcoMom XD, and, of course, a massive thank you to BT.

Minimonos without BT? That's like Minimonos without monkeys! He brought parties and prizes just about every day for long? Years! And See You Sundays!

So....a few words from your friends...
OMG! Even Elvis loves you :D
That awesome lamp AM. An inspiration! :D
Hugs to Lilly and Tina :D Hope we can stay in touch...
And a massive hug to Jassy and Bubbz. I can't ever remember laughing so much at a laptop screen, remember the ROARS?!
Tweet me sometime?! Let me know how things go...

And do look kinda!  :D
And Yer! what a team JT! :D
OMG! Fent! Best wishes buddy :) 

Well....that's enough from me :) Hope you've enjoyed sharing some of my memories.
Best wishes and many thank yous. It really was fun! And, as BT once said, there is no age limit to having fun :D

Bye :)

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