In the spirit of remembering all of the fun we've had, we're going to try and run a number of tribute pages to our friends at Minimonos.
Today's tribute is to all things Pink!
Over the past many months, Pink has somehow become a bit of a cult colour to a few of us :D
Here are some of our finest Pink moments!
The original Pink Twins XD
The Barbie Takeover gathers momentum!
Even Rainbow got a Barbie theme (briefly)!
Bannagirl's Party got a hint of a pink makeover!
Still Pink!
Sometimes people were just quick enough to hit the soap button!
New ambassadors somehow couldn't resist!
Even ambassadors that don't like Pink were Pink :D
And we're Pink to the last! :D Sorry to repeat yesterday's photo, but hey, a good photo is a good photo!
We've loved Minimonos, and all things Pink! :D
Another tribute to our friends at Minimonos and the best virtual world coming soon :D
~Pinkski, Pinkie and Pinkbubbz
You should keep your blog! I am keeping mine! I will never take it off Google! I will post other things on there too!