MM Pie Secrets..

Today I would like to share some pie secrets on Minimonos I know, so here is a few I hope you have a great time! :D 

Pretty pictures

First of all you have to say pretty pictures just remember that first ok,  then say " tasty pie" X3 

IMPORTANT :Then finally if you want pie falling from the sky just say " put the lime in the coconut"

Long Beach

First say "put the PIE in the coconut"

Then say " put the LIME in the coconut"


 This one is a bit more tricky but first you have to say "put the lime in the coconut"

 Then say " Pierates" and a pierate Sea Monster will  appear 

Afterwards say "put the lime in the coconut" and it would rain pie!



Then say " put the lime in the coconut" 

And Pie rains! 

These are Some of the Story's Of Pie on Minimonos.. Pretty cool right? :D