So.. for while wanted to interview one of Minimonos staff members and finally got chance to! hehe.. Here's Vipers interview :)
You play on a lot of virtual worlds, which game did you play first?
My best friends introduced me to Club Penguin, which then became my first vw to play
If its not too personal, how old were you when you first starting playing VW's?
Lol this one I'm not completely sure on the exact age but it was like 14-15 or something along that line. xD
Were you ever, heaven forbid!, a penguin like most of us? Do you still ever play?
It was really great, lol I remember how excited I was as a player but to become an ambassador was just amazing! ^^ I really appreciate it too because I would have quit MiniMonos & gaming, so I can focus on getting a job to help my family and all. No words can describe how thankful I was to get a job on MiniMonos plus everyone was so welcoming & helpful. MiniMonos really is like an online family. :)
What does your work for Minimonos involve? What parts do you like the most / least?
My main work is to moderate and make sure no one is breaking the rules. I like knowing I can help in keeping the game as safe as possible for everyone and seeing monkeys having a blast in-world. ^^ And plus going in game to play and chat with you guys too whenever I get the chance! :D For least, lol I'm not sure about this. :3 But I guess sometimes I can find pretty shocking things that some players would say and do at such a young age nowadays.
The team are really spread all over the world! Are you all really good friends and how do you keep in touch?
Skype & email is really helpful and even iMessage too! ^^
Finally, any sneaky hints on any upcoming EPIC events on Minimonos?
Better wait till then, nothing else for me to say, hehehe. x]
One more thing.. do you like pink! ;)
LOL! Funny question, ppsht no :3 Always dislike pink since I was a child. xDThank you for the interview Barbie! ~Jas,Tipski & Bubbz
Lol you welcome :P <3